The video work “Whenever I encounter a new thing” is built in the context of the project “Interstitial space” published on the platform and refers to the way people engage objects in building their own intimate narratives and their private space, generating a vast detritus out of human attention and control. Objects become props in life stories, inner discourse and justification of human actions. The more complex human stories, the more things are taken, touched, collected or thrown away.
whenever you encounter a new thing
You could be something else whenever you encounter a new thing.
in that public space full of things with obvious meanings,
it depends what you want. Whatever you do you’re too obvious.
People march mind-controlled
mentally reciting their life stories and gathering
by glance objects to be props in their narrative.
Touch is confirmation, the story is true,
you gently caress one of the sea of objects,
its details are fascinating indeed.